Wednesday, April 04, 2012

NaPoWriMo Day Three

Don't confuse the map with the territory,
the credits with the movie,
or the title with the house.

You might know every inch of the map,
memorize the credits, have your name on the title;
that doesn't make it your place, your movie, your house.

But if you walk the property,
suspend disbelief, sit through the movie,
and inhabit the house, you own it with your body.

Don't judge a book by its cover,
a snack by its packaging,
or a suit by its designer label.

But if you're paid to make labels,
manage files, transfer titles,
design covers, make bookmaps,

or package the snack in all its cheesy goodness,
by all means take it seriously, just don't
spend all day in the flat screen two dimensions.

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