Tuesday, February 03, 2009

"And it's organic!"

Sally Jenkins of the Washington Post provides a sane response to the tempest in a 'teapot' over Michael Phelps's recently publicized indiscretion. He may be a great Olympic hero, but he is not a god.

In short, the man is an athlete. Work hard, play hard, rest, repeat.

Phelps's public apology won't satisfy those people who insist their champions be superhuman ideals. But it's absurd to expect Phelps to maintain his brand of physical and mental discipline 24-7, while the rest of us privately anesthetize to our hearts' content. (Sally Jenkins, WP)

Let's say, just for fun, that there are four kinds of people in the world: (1) those who work out and indulge; (2) those who work out and abstain; (3) those who veg out and indulge; (4) those who veg out and abstain. Should we only admire and respect group (2) since they fit the profile that Nancy Reagan would approve?

I think I like Michael Phelps better now that I know he's got a weakness.

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