Sunday, December 28, 2008


Books: Roger-Pol Droit, Astonish Yourself! 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life (Penguin); Ammon Shea, Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21,730 Pages (Penguin); Rose-Marie & Rainer Hagen, Bruegel: The Complete Paintings (Taschen); Hans Christian Adam, Karl Blossfeldt: The Complete Published Work (Taschen); plus a gift card at Half-Price Books. I've read a bit into the the Bruegel book and the OED book, and it's pretty funny; my new favorite word is futilitarian.

CDs: Warren Zevon, The Love Songs (Artemis); Joan Osborne, Little Wild One (Plum); Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Greatest Hits (Geffen); John Coltrane, Coltrane for Lovers (Verve). I'm becoming a Joan Osborne fan and expect to listen to this disc many times.

Baking pans: one ceramic and one flexible nonstick silicone. I tried them out, and they work great.

Weather X radio-flashlight with siren. Go ahead, envy me. Don't you wish you had a flashlight with a built-in siren?

Two shirts. They fit.

Bodum French-press coffee maker with instructions in English, Dansk, Espanol, Deutsch, Francaise, Italiano, Nederlander, Svensk, Portugues, Polska, Greco, Russe, Arabic, and Japanese; a pound of whole-bean Gorilla brand coffee (Ethiopian Harar) and D'Amico coffee (Red Hook Blend).

Hand-knitted, felted bag, purple and blue-green striped, heavy-weight and large enough for a laptop. It's dusty in the den, and this will protect my Toshiba beautifully.

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