Friday, December 05, 2008

Post-Thanksgiving Grumble


Now that the first big holiday of the Big Holiday Season has come and gone, we can settle back into the normal chaos of everyday life as we know it.

Our out-of-town company has come and gone, and the house is quiet again, save for the old cat's usual complaints first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Our guests, bless them, graciously fit right into the rhythms, routines, and standards of Om Shanty - the house rules, you might say - as we did our best to raise the bar just a bit to accommodate our guests.

And now we can be slobs again. We don't have company, so we can let the laundry pile up on the floor, the mail sit unopened on the table, the sink fill up with dishes, and catalogs lie strewn on every surface of every room. I think I'll do some dishes, do some laundry, and pick up a bit. I know I won't get around to the real projects on my to-do list.


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