Wednesday, March 12, 2008

[mind your brackets]

To choose according to seedings or to go with your gut? The odds obviously are better to go by the numbers, but what's the fun in that? Maybe you just like the sound of Gonzaga?

To favor your favorites - your alma mater, home state, regional loyalty, or conference - or the flavor of the month in the national press? Memphis is having a really good year, but do I know them like I know Wisconsin?

To put you money on teams with a history of success - your UCLA, North Carolina, Duke, or your Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky - or to speculate on the next up-and-comer? Is Davidson for real? Can a MAC team make it past the first round? Who is the next Wally Szczerbiak?

And of course there will be upsets, but how many and how big? If they were predictable, they wouldn't be upsets.

You are your brackets. Your brackets reflect your character, your personality type, your values, and your identity. As that sage of the hardwood Socrates may or may not have said, the unexamined brackets are hardly worth filling in.

Your brackets, your self.

Oh, sorry. Did I mention this is about basketball? It's March, right? Of course it's about basketball!

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