Friday, March 30, 2007

This just in: Earth is hollow

Maybe I'm the last last one to know. This has probably been common knowledge among the cognosenti for ages, and I'm just now getting the word. Oh well. All this time I've been accepting the old myth of tectonic plates, Earth's crust resting on a mantle, a layer of molten rock, and within that a core. You've seen the cross-sectional diagram, which someday will go the way of Ptolemy's dome of the heavens arrayed neatly around terra firma, all nice and geocentric.

I don't know where Max Fyfield gets his information, but I like the depiction of the planet. It resembles an early developmental stage of a multicellular organism, beginning to develop an endoplasm, mesoplasm, and ectoplasm with the appropriate orifices connecting its inside with its outside. I also appreciate the disclaimer: "Inner Earth to be re-drawn by someone who has been there! Thank you..."

Why weren't we told these facts in geography class! What are "they" trying to hide from us? Which episode of The Twilight Zone did I miss? If anyone has answers to these or the many other questions raised by The Hollow Earth, please disclose them now, before the next saucer to Venus leaves Agharta, land of advanced races.

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