Wednesday, January 02, 2013

[title to come] 1

Chapter 1

A house in Ohio, New Year's Day. Snow lies on the ground, barely covering the sidewalk and patio. There will be something to do today. Besides shoveling, there is Basic Movement when the sun comes out, back on the path to the woodshed, where it becomes evident that the quest for pure white light includes a lot of other information - a cloudy and variegated range of hues - and the education is in finding your way through the minefield of imperfections without getting blown up.

Manipulating the yarrow stalks is an excellent way to find decent kindling before consulting the oracle. Ask it anything, as long as it's not an either/or question, in which case the answer is likely to be yes, or no, or maybe. Since we will both be here all day, start a fire sooner rather than later. Clean up the desk, put a few things away, and re-arrange some tools from a jumbled drawer to a neat container where I can see them when I need them. A few folders on top of the desk made their way to an empty drawer along with some other folders that came home from my previous workplace. Less clutter is good.

Oracle answers: Upward movement pulling against downward movement pits strength against guile and cunning. In spite of sincerity there is obstruction. By halting halfway and consulting the authorities with a clear mind, one can resolve the conflict without great danger. Let others obtain honors; just do the work.

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