Monday, October 29, 2007

lies, falsehoods, prevarication

Smells just as foul by any other name.

We are all capable of halting and even reversing the aging process. Exercise in general, and strength training in particular, has been scientifically proven to help achieve such results. In this seminar, participants will learn the basics of designing and performing an overall exercise program, with an emphasis on strength training; there will be an overview of major muscle groups of the body. With the fitness skills and nutritional guidelines taught, participants will learn how to condition themselves so that they can live each day as though they were 10 or 20 years younger.
(promotional blurb for a well-intentioned, deceptive, manipulative corporate program [my emphasis])

Did you know that aging can be stopped or reversed? It's been scientifically proven! Don't believe me? Just ask an ignorant hack writer of PR blurbs for the benevolent, altruistic, worker-friendly corporate program. Conclusion: If I join the program, I won't get any older; if I join it wholeheartedly, I'll get younger. All this plus an overview of major muscle groups! I (heart) corporation.

The Prophet Clint Eastwood sayeth: Some people believe you should exercise less as you get older, but you should exercise more. I subscribe to that belief. I also believe that one must exercise more carefully, more mindfully, i.e. more responsibly as the years go by. But Clint doesn't claim that exercising more will make you less old, that time and its physiological effects magically shift backward. The Prophet Clint doesn't think we're all idiots.

So where does a person find reliable information? TV, of course, where the totally truthful drug ads tell you to "Ask your doctor whether red Lebanese hash is right for your unexplained sensations, the urge to move, or other disturbing symptoms of RLS (gasp!)." One of these days I'm going to put my restless leg through the TV screen.

Which reminds me of the Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls, who said (or is said to have said), "Half of what people say is lies, and the other half is bullshit." Unless it's the kinder, gentler department of human skill-sets, which always tells the truth.

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